Jennifer Leja, an educator at Hyde Park Middle School in the Clark County School District, is under scrutiny after a series of TikTok videos she posted...
According to the Washoe County District Attorney’s Office, a former high school math instructor who was caught in a sting operation seeking for men wanting to...
A CCSD teacher who was detained for having sex with a pupil was given a thorough account of their almost two-month-long relationship in the arrest report.
On the last day of school, the Clark County School District Police Department detained a high school teacher.
A former Clark County School District elementary special education teacher was arrested last week on suspicion of touching a youngster inappropriately.
Jose Flores-Montelongo, 54, was arrested on April 26, 2022, after the victim, now 20, told authorities about a series of sexually connected episodes that began in...
A Reno middle school teacher has been released on bail after being accused of sexually assaulting a kid for several years.