In a shocking development, Heather Hare, a 32-year-old former teacher at Bryant High School, has been taken into custody following accusations of engaging in a sexual...
According to the Gentry Police Department, a Gentry intermediate PE instructor has been detained on suspicion of sexually assaulting a former pupil in connection with an...
An ex-teacher from Gravette High School who was on parole was taken into custody for public indecency.
A teacher in the DeWitt School District has been arrested and suspected of sex crimes involving a student, according to police in the small Arkansas County...
A Paragould school paraprofessional was arrested on suspicion of child pornography by Jonesboro police on Monday.
A Nettleton High School teacher has been arrested by the Jonesboro Police Department on suspicion of sexually assaulting a student. In a news release from JPD...
A Wynne High School art teacher was arrested Wednesday for sexual assault in the second degree.